The important thing to note here is the sky. I did not make this up.. the sky was a brilliant brilliant shade of purple. Irrelevant to this post, but oh so true.
I am a bad blogger. There's no getting away from this fact. I last wrote something on July 14th. JULY FOURTEENTH. That's such a lifetime ago I don't even remember who I was then.

There's literally nothing Eleanor loves more than a cliched Italian-American catchphrase.

I was toying with the idea of writing some posts and dating them in the past so it would be like I'd been a good blogger all along.. but that's not the truth. And I've recently discovered I'm incapable of lying. And also, plus, additionally, there's reasons why I haven't sat and done this for a while.
First one was that my lovely sister Eleanor (or as I more affectionately call her - EEnor, in the style of an ambulance siren.. yeah, long story) came to stay for a whopping two weeks. That's a long time.
If you see this girl, shout EENOR EENOR at her in the street. She loves that.
We did lots of things, I think I literally showed her every area in New York City. We went rowing in Central Park, where we discovered that Eleanor can not row. At all. For a moment, I thought she'd got it down, but then I realized we were rowing into a rock.
Row row row your boat. Or at least attempt to.
So also, we ventured to Strawberry Fields. Where we witnessed a super wicked argument between two hobos. I mean, you can't make this shit up.
Hobos not pictured.
We were cultural and went to my favorite museum... Guggey:
If you're in NYC, go here. Go, like, yesterday. It's great.
And got topical in Times Square:
November 08: It's not just a right. It's a responsibility.
And lastly we cracked out the Soprano's catchphrases in Little Italy.
Fugheddaboudit... CAPICHE?!!
How YOU doin???
As you can see we had lots of fun.
And as for the other reasons as to why I am a Bad Blogger... it's because I have to go. I have to leave. I have haul-ass out of this town so, so soon.
And I really don't know how.
But we will be glad to see you again!!!
Dad - :o)
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