Sprung has totally spring, yeah?
Oh yeah, sprung has totally spring...
Blossom: courtesy of the many trees I am passing on my walk to work at the moment. Bliss.
Birthday flowers: courtesy of Holly Anne Patton.
Thank you!! xoxo
Also, big thanks to Jules of Candy Hearts who has given me my first ever award, y'all:

Ooh, award, shiny award.
Apparently, or so the story goes, these awards are doled out to blogs that are deemed to invest and believe in Proximity - nearness in space, time and relationships. Blogs that are exceedingly charming. To bloggers that aim to find and be friends (can't argue with that).
I am supposed to go on and tag bloggers that I think are the embodiment of the above. So (Hm, decisions decisions...) I am tagging:
♥ Of course, Helen from Little Doll Face (someone who is as lovely in person as she is in blog)
♥ Carrie from WishWishWish (even though she's super popular she still manages to make time to comment over here!)
♥ Amber from Code For Something (she remembered to wish me happy birthday and always writes amazing content!)
♥ And finally, Deana from Dooder City (she's fabulous and from Williamsburg therefore she's for the win!)
Spread the blog love this spring, dudes...
Thank you so much! And of course, you deserve it as well. I have been walking around the city looking at the buds on the trees. they are so close to starting to bloom.
Also, I have very small boobs and want bigger ones:)
Thanks hon! Your comments are always total sunshine to me <3
Deana: Spring is nearly here!! Yay!
Amber: Aw, shucks!
love those cherry blossom photots.
your blog is great! totally puts me in the mood for spring :)
Please take a look at my post today:) There is something for you...
Annie: Thanks, I love them too. I took some similar ones in Washington DC last year :o)
Deana: Thank yooouu!
Wow, what beautiful photographs :) And congratulations on the award!
wow~~~ I like flower.
all is beautiful.
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