No, let me rephrase that: I heart the non-hungover weekends.
This is because I have a list a MILE long of the shiz I want to do in the time I have here, and if I’m hungover, nothing gets checked off.
Luckily, this weekend I made an effort and managed to do some o
Whilst sipping a caramel moccachino (no, I don’t know what that is either), we decided we wanted to shop and sightsee. So we started off by getting the PATH to Manhatten and made our first stop, Century 21. Century 21 is like the MOTHER of all discount shops. It’s like TK Maxx on a department store scale. It is, in short, amaze! I had no money to spend on such frivolous things as clothes, it being poor week and all, but I spent a fun couple of hours helping Dan spend his money. He was looking for some jeans. He actually got some coolio Diesel sunglasses, the softest cashmere scarf known to man, a Guess wallet that looks exactly like the man version of my wallet that I got from Tesco’s for like a pound, and did not get some jeans.
Then we were hungry, so we consulted my guide book. It recommended a French Bistro place which was just around the corner. It was called Les Halles. As I was wearing my new beret, we decided French would be appropriate. And I’m glad we went as it was super-duper noice*. The guidebook had recommended the mussels and fries… or moules et frites, so that, my friends, is what I opted for. And im bloody glad I did, they were delish! And we had coffee and it all felt very en francais! What made it even better was that there was ACTUAL love all around.
Boy - that’s bovine actual love, and that is something pretty special if you ask me.
After this, Dan and I took a walk to the highlight of the day… Brooklyn Bridge. ..
We were there just as some beautiful cracks of afternoon sunlight started to appear through the up-til-now overcast sky. I love looking at the sky at the best of times, its when I feel most alive spiritually; but there was something magical about it on that day. I loved it longtime.
After taking in the view and catching a cold (probably: it was quite windy), we wandered back to Manhatten and had a wander round the little shops in Soho/Tribeca.
I heart NY days.
Dan does too haha!
(*to be said Kath and Kim style)
1 comment:
A belated welcome to the US. I found your blog through little doll face. Would you believe I have lived in NY state all of my life and just made it to NYC last month? I loved it too. I even had my photo taken with a giant M&M. Small world right? Now I have to get to London. My blog is at
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